Most Asked Indoor Air Quality Questions
Integrity Air Quality Solutions has the answers!
We design the proper Integrity Air Quality Protocol for your health needs based on the results of your environment. Integrity Air Quality Solutions is capable of dramatically improving your home or workplace air quality.
What are indoor air contaminants?

Here are examples of common indoor air contaminants and their main sources:
- Carbon dioxide (CO2), tobacco smoke, perfume, body odours — from building occupants.
- Dust, fibreglass, asbestos, gases, including formaldehyde — from building materials.
- Toxic vapours, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) — from workplace cleansers, solvents, pesticides, disinfectants, glues.
- Gases, vapours, odours — off-gas emissions from furniture, carpets, and paints.
- Dust mites — from carpets, fabric, foam, chair cushions.
- Microbial contaminants, fungi, moulds, bacteria, — from damp areas, stagnant water and condensate pans.
What are the common causes of IAQ problems?

Indoor Air Quality problems result from interactions between building materials and furnishing, activities within the building, climate, and building occupants. Indoor Air Quality problems may arise from one or more of the following causes:
- Indoor environment – inadequate temperature, humidity, lighting, excessive noise
- Indoor air contaminants – chemicals, dusts, moulds or fungi, bacteria, gases, vapours, odours
- Insufficient outdoor air intake
What are some related health issues?

Occupants of buildings with poor IAQ report a wide range of health problems which are often called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Tight Building Syndrome (TBS), Building-Related Illness (BRI), and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS).
Integrity Air Quality Solutions assist you in developing a path for your Indoor Air Quality. We understand the Indoor Air Quality umbrella under which mold and other indoor air quality contaminants thrive.
What symptoms are often linked to poor indoor air quality?

It is common for people to report one or more of the following symptoms:
- dryness and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin,
- headache,
- fatigue,
- shortness of breath,
- hypersensitivity and allergies,
- sinus congestion,
- coughing and sneezing,
- dizziness, and/or
- nausea.
People generally notice their symptoms after several hours at work and feel better after they have left the building or when they have been away from the building for a weekend or a vacation.
Many of these symptoms may also be caused by other health conditions including common colds or the flu, and are not necessarily due to poor IAQ. This fact can make identifying and resolving Integrity Air Quality problems more difficult.
Why do only some people seem to develop symptoms?

As with any other occupational illness, not all people are affected with the same symptoms or to the same extent. Some people may be more sensitive than others. Some people may be exposed to more contaminants in the building than others and they may experience symptoms earlier than other people. As air quality deteriorates and/or the length of exposure increases, more people tend to be affected and the symptoms tend to be more serious.
Is air contamination the only cause of these symptoms?
No. Feelings of discomfort and illness may be related to any number of issues in the total indoor environment. Other common causes may include noise levels, thermal comfort (temperature, humidity, and air movement), and lighting. It is important that all possible causes be investigated when assessing complaints.
What should I do if I suspect that I am ill from poor Indoor Air Quality?

If you think that you may be ill from Indoor Air Quality problems it is important to keep track of when you get your symptoms (aches, pains, headaches, etc.) and when they go away. This record will help your safety officer or health professional determine what the problem is related to. You may also wish to discuss you symptoms with your health professional to rule out any other medical conditions.
Our Protocol evaluates the home or office by taking a look at the Heating/Cooling systems, General Living areas, and Moisture Prone areas as those might individually become source problems for indoor air quality concerns.
Take advantage of this opportunity to “build a business by helping people” and get your home or work evaluated today. Integrity Air Quality Solutions will design the proper Integrity Air Quality Protocol for your health needs based on the results of your environment and provide the Wholistic Solution for the next step to Air Quality for your Health… Integrity Air Quality Solutions is capable of making your home or work a safe area for air quality…